How does Vitamin K2 work?

Through its vital role in managing Calcium in the body, Vitamin K2 is critical in forming a solid bone matrix and a healthy cardiovascular system via the activation of vitamin K-dependent proteins Osteocalcin and MGP (Matrix GLA Protein). 

MenaQ7® Vitamin K2 has specifically undergone multiple clinical trials proving it effectively delivers these benefits. 

Can we get vitamin K2 from a normal diet?

K vitamins cannot be synthesized by the body (just small levels in the intestine), so people are dependent on regular intake from food. However, there are clear indications that Western populations have insufficient intake of Vitamin K2 from their regular diets. Hence, it is important to supplement the body’s needs with additional Vitamin K2. 

  • Vitamin K deficiency or insufficiency has been seen in 97% of a mixed population. 
  • Children and adults above 40 years showed the largest tissue-specific vitamin deficiency and accordingly may benefit from MK-7 supplementation to improve their extra-hepatic status. 

The most common food source for Vitamin K2 in the West is fermented cheese, but it is exceedingly difficult to obtain enough K2 daily from this source, or a combination of regular foods. 


How does MenaQ7® stand apart from other vitamin K2 ingredients?

MenaQ7® is the best clinically documented Vitamin K2 in the market, and the only vitamin K2 as MK-7 clinically proven for both bone and heart health. To ensure your supplement safely and effectively delivers Vitamin K2, make sure it includes MenaQ7®.  

More than 22 published human clinical trials have shown that MenaQ7® can support bone and cardiovascular health.  

Most telling are the results of the double-blind, randomized, clinical trial (Knapen et al, 2013) that showed, when taken daily in nutritional doses of 180 mcg for three years, MenaQ7® improves bone mineral density and bone strength. Further, the cardiovascular arm of this study (Knapen et al, 2015) also confirmed MenaQ7® not only inhibited age-related arterial stiffening but improved arterial elasticity in women having high arterial stiffening. 

MenaQ7® has also been studied in healthy child populations confirming that just 45 mcg daily improved K status, leading to stronger, denser bones. 

Are MenaQ7® products free from allergens?

Yes, MenaQ7 products are free from all known allergens.  

Is MenaQ7® suitable for vegetarians?

MenaQ7® is produced to meet the most stringent quality assurance measures, including Non-GMO, Halal, and Kosher. Our material is not manufactured with any raw material or processing aids of animal origin, making it suitable for vegetarians. Most of the MenaQ7® portfolio is also vegan-compliant. 

Are MenaQ7® products non-GMO?

Yes. Our standard products are certified non-GMO, and we strive to avoid the use of raw materials derived from GMO sources. 

Is MenaQ7® considered a clean-label product?

MenaQ7® products are: 

  • Allergen free
  • Halal and Kosher certified
  • non-GMO certified
  • Vegetarian and vegan
  • Free of solvents, heavy metals, microbial contamination, dioxins, PCBs, PAHs, mycotoxin, pesticides, BSE, and more
  • Processed without irradiation, excessive heat, or other sterilization
  • MenaQ7® products are also free from sugar, gluten, and dairy

Are there any contraindications to taking vitamin K2? Is MenaQ7® safe to take with other medications?

The only contraindication is the use of coumarin derivatives as oral anticoagulants. These drugs are vitamin K antagonists, and one must be careful when giving vitamin K to patients receiving vitamin K antagonists. For this reason, we strongly recommend that patients receiving OAC treatment consult with their doctor before adding MK-7 supplements to their regimen.  

Fortunately, there is a new generation of oral anticoagulants (i.e., direct thrombin and factor Xa inhibitors) that can be combined with vitamin K without hesitation. However, this new generation of medication is not yet available in every country – until it is, our recommendation to consult with your physician remains. 

Can MenaQ7® be combined with other ingredients?

MenaQ7® K2 works in synergy with many amazing ingredients. Aside from being an essential companion for Calcium, it is also important to pair it with Vitamin D3. While Vitamin D is needed to create vitamin K-dependent proteins (VKDPs) Osteocalcin and Matrix Gla that support calcium absorption, Vitamin K2 is critical in forming a solid bone matrix and a healthy cardiovascular system via the activation of those VKDPs.  

The combination of MenaQ7® Vitamin K2 and D3 is clinically proven to have more significant cardiovascular benefits than Vitamin D3 alone and confirms their synergistic effect on cardiovascular health. 

Further, as MenaQ7® K2 is a fat-soluble vitamin, it can also be combined with omega-3 fish oils. MenaQ7® has proven stable in omega-3 products such as fish oil and salmon oil that may contribute to the normal function of the heart and good cardiovascular health. 

Where can consumers buy products that contain MenaQ7®?

Supplements featuring MenaQ7® Vitamin K2 can be found in many markets across the globe, both in brick-and-mortar stores and online. Visit Buy MenaQ7® for a list of products available in your country, and link to websites where you can learn more and purchase.