Vitamin K2 on Main Stage at A4M Spring Congress

Vitamin K2 on Main Stage at A4M Spring Congress

Over 2,000 health professionals attended the A4M Spring Congress and enjoyed a special main stage pesentation from leading vitamin K2 researcher Prof. Leon Schurgers, where he discussed vitamin K’s critical role in inflammation.

Prof. Leon Schurgers is a sought-after speaker, specifically for his engaging and charismatic way of conveying the most complex science surrounding Vitamin K2. Taking the main stage at the 31st A4M Annual Spring Congress, he did not disappoint.


This annual spring congress, the theme of which was “The Fire Inside: Inflammation”, was focused on exploring an all-too-common pathway to disease (i.e., inflammation). Prof. Schurgers joined other distinguished medical authorities such as Andrew Heyman, MD; Jill Carnahan, MD; Vincent Pedre, MD; Robert Lufkin, MD; Deanna Minich, PhD; and many more.


“Our incredible faculty panel of world-renowned speakers and industry experts shared their expertise, insights, and the latest research-based approaches to care,” wrote A4M in its recap of the event. “Through 130 lectures and sessions, peer-to-peer collaboration, and connections with over 70 world-renowned speakers, attendees gained a wealth of knowledge and actionable insights to fuel their practice.”


While the clinical community is aware that Vitamin K2 is a vital nutrient for supporting bone and heart health, inflammation is not an area that has been so widely discussed … until now. With Prof. Schurgers’ enthusiasm for the emerging research behind vitamin K2, he provided rich insights that sparked great conversation, producing even more interest in vitamin K2’s cutting-edge role to support overall health and well-being.


MenaQ7® Vitamin K2 as MK-7 (menaquinone-7) leads the vitamin K2 category, with 22+ published human clinical trials confirming its safety and efficacy. Prof. Schurgers continues to dive deep into the physiological behaviors of this extraordinary vitamin and enhance awareness and excitement with new studies planned identify and, most importantly, confirm benefits for other areas of health.


Stay tuned for Prof. Schurgers’ next live webinar on the A4M forum in September!

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