MenaQ7® as the premium innovative Vitamin K2 as MK-7 for elderly health application was the highlight during the recent seminar organized by Gnosis and distributor, SAMOH Pharm. The seminar, which was held on 11 October, attracted more than 150 attendees from 70 companies.
MenaQ7® plays a vital role in promoting elderly health in Korea. It supports cardiovascular health by helping to inhibit arterial calcification, reducing the risk of compromised heart health. Additionally, MenaQ7® promotes bone health, leading to a reduced fracture risk and enhancing overall well-being among the elderly population in Korea.
Unlocking Bone Health: MenaQ7®’s Osteocalcin Activation and Clinical Excellence
MenaQ7® Vitamin K2 as MK-7 is renowed for its clinically validated role in activating osteocalcin, a protein crucial for bone health. Its superior bioavailability and unshakeable proven efficacy make it preferred over vitamin K1. Numerous studies confirm its effectiveness in improving bone mineral density and bone mineral content, and consequently bone strength, making MenaQ7® an ideal choice for those seeking to reduce the risk of fractures.
Explore the Potential of MenaQ7® in Korea
Food journal
삼오제약, ‘비타민K2ㆍ활성형 엽산 기능과 활용’ 세미나 10월 11일 개최 < 건강기능식품 < 뉴스 < 기사본문 - 식품저널
Daily Pharm
[데일리팜] 삼오제약, 5060세대를 위한 건기식 최신동향 공유